The Farewell Party for the B.Pharm 2020 batch, “THE SECRET ALLEY,” organized by the B.Pharm 2021 batch, was conducted on 25.02.2025 at the Multipurpose hall, IGIPS, at 10.30 am. The programme was inaugurated by Dr.J Nandhakumar- Principal, IGIPS and felicitated by Mr. Mohankumar – Administrative officer, Dr.Seena K X- B.Pharm course coordinator & HOD Dept. of Pharmacognosy, Dr.Tharani M – HOD Dept. of Pharmacology, Dr.Vijayakumar S -HOD Dept. of Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Dr.Sreekanth S K- HOD Dept. of Pharmaceutics. The program concluded at @4.00 pm with a Vote of thanks delivered by Mr. Renjith Kumar B, student representative of B.Pharm 2021.